Friday 27 February 2015

The Perfect Plan

How can it be anything other when sleep is top of the list?!

Definitely still in the 'don't bother' camp! My energy levels which were bad enough yesterday are worse today, and I am now trying to work out how much of the weekend I can possibly manage to sleep through and yet somehow, still hit the ground running on Monday!

I can't believe that it's been a week since we arrived in Brighton, and I'm struggling even more with the idea (or rather reality) that it's going to be March in a couple of days. Already I feel the year slipping away from me (yet at the same time any signs of Spring are most definitely welcome - first crocus flowering in the garden yesterday!).

I joked about having 'tidying the airing cupboard' as my goal for the six week transformation (that I'm almost four weeks through) at my current rate of progress I'll be lucky to even get that done! Especially as I am going to spend the next couple of weeks making costumes for the boys school play! WHY?! Because last year when their House didn't do particularly well, I mouthed off saying "Well at least you'll have better costumes next year - because I'll make them!" Little did I know at the time that they were going to choose James and the Giant Peach and I'd have a centipede, ladybird, spider, grasshopper and several worms to fashion on a twenty pound budget! Nor did I ever imagine myself typing "deely boppers" into Ebay (thankfully that's what they're still called, I would have no idea how to describe them - I don't think "ridiculous wobbly antenna type things on a head band" would have worked somehow, shall I try?! Ha! If I meant wobble antenna then we're in business!).
I tell you though, when I finally do get round to making bags to sell for Barnardo's from my fabric emporium still lurking in the cupboard, it's going to be a doddle! (You may have to remind me of that when I'm moaning about it!).

So I really do need to have a productive weekend moving things forward, but I also know that I'm counting down the minutes until Al gets home from work (I'm writing this in the afternoon) so that he can light the fire and we can curl up in front of the TV! And I think that's part of my problem, always trying to do too many things at once.

I need to prioritise, and top of that list has to be sleep! Which will invariably mean that I have a sudden bout of insomnia, in which case I'll change my priority to getting as many jobs out of the way before Monday as possible! Sounds like a perfect plan!

M - 438
Liverpool Half - 107
Glasgow Half - 219
Total Distance covered   503.2 miles

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