Sunday 15 February 2015

One Week to Brighton!

Time to Taper!

My legs are sore after yesterday's long run, and I was very tempted to rest and not go to the gym this morning.  But that sort of attitude is not going to get me round a half marathon, nor back into my jeans! So off I went at half eight this morning for my eighth appearance.  It was hard going, and I'm not sure I'm getting any better at any of the exercises, but I've had a brainwave! I think I need to adopt a parkrun club strategy to motivate me, but one that I am in charge of, which means I get to reward myself with a present for being a member of the ten gym sessions completed club! (no waiting for fifty here!) But hmmm what shall I choose?! I'm thinking maybe a nice new hoodie to wear to the gym instead of my fleece usually reserved for dog walking! 

Back home and early brunch, in fact I think it was so early really it was just a cooked breakfast, but it was delicious and I felt like I'd earned every mouthful, of which there was possibly a few more than there should have been on a dieters plate!

Breakfast eaten and it was time to go cheer our friends on at the one mile marker of the local half marathon. Felt a bit emotional watching them pass, knowing that this will be me, my sis, and HMG next weekend.  I almost wished I was running with them, but just look at those hills! Home to get the dogs and then walk across the fields to the eleventh mile marker to cheer them on some more.  So much easier to spectate than run! Full credit to each and every one of them who completed the course.... it's a killer! 

My thoughts are however, already thinking forward to next year, and wondering if I'll be in the sort of shape that would make considering it a possibility? I'd like to think that I will be, whether I choose to run it is however an altogether different question!

But for the time being my thoughts are in Brighton! Or more accurately on my taper! I have decided not to run again before going. I'll go to the gym tomorrow and again on Wednesday but other than that it's all about rest, eating properly, hydration, relaxation and most importantly some pre race retail therapy - especially as by then I'll have my 10 Top to purchase! 

M - 450
Brighton Half - 7
Liverpool Half - 119
Glasgow Half - 231  
Total Distance covered   490.1 miles

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