Sunday 22 February 2015


And three half marathon girls!

If I thought my lack of organisation last week reminded me of Christmas, it was nothing to how we all felt this morning! Checked the time on my ipod at half past four, at which point my sis let me know that she was awake too... a couple of seconds later there was a voice from across the room saying "don't whisper on my account!" - HMG wasn't sleeping either! Like children who couldn't contain their excitement on Christmas morning a moment longer - we were up! An hour and a half earlier than we'd set the alarm for, and four and a half hours before the start!

A beautiful February morning at the coast - blue skies, sunshine, seagulls and bloody freezing! I was exceptionally glad of my fleece, which I did leave on a railing just before the start, and was really sorry that it wasn't still there when I returned thirteen point one miles later! BUT....

WE DID IT!!! We have joined the half marathon club!

HMG and I managed seven and a half miles together, the highlight of which was definitely seeing sisterofMG750 after we had turned out past the marina and were on our way back into town, but unfortunately we had to part company just after the half way point.  My hips and knees were starting to ache, mistakenly I thought due to the biting wind, and I knew I had to get moving to keep them moving... turned out it was the start of issues with my IT Bands again, so I did what I shouldn't have done - picked up my heels and ran for home! Had a smile to myself as I passed the 10 (and 500) mile mark, pictured SC cheering me on at the eleven mile mark (in return for our support last weekend), acknowledged as many people as I could who shouted out my name (definitely worth the effort to iron it on my top), and finished in two hours and eleven minutes. Whoooo hooooo!!  Sad that my legs are still 'broken' but glad that I made it without having to walk for the last three miles!

Reunited in the WaterAid tent we made our way back to the hotel, upon which I had a shower and crawled into bed to try to warm up, getting out of it again took far more effort the second time around! But food and well earned mojitos were waiting - even if the cocktail bar I had found last Sunday wasn't! In my excitement to find somewhere to celebrate I hadn't checked the opening times and after a very wet and somewhat depressing hobble up the hill we found it shut and not offering the warm welcome I think we deserved! Thankfully there was somewhere opposite happy to oblige...

Cheers sis and HMG! We are endurance athletes! 

M - 443
Brighton Half - Done and dusted!
Liverpool Half - 112
Glasgow Half - 224 
Distance covered          13.1 miles (furthest yet!)
Total Distance covered   503.2 miles

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