Friday 13 February 2015

Who Where Why What

It's all a bit of a mystery!

I have been trying over the past couple of weeks to wean myself off Facebook ever so slightly! Not so much as anyone would notice (before you point out how often you see my green light on sis!), but I am at least trying to break the habit of checking it last thing at night, then first thing in the morning, and most definitely in the middle of the night if I get up with the dogs, like I did at 4.30am!

Not being the most prolific of users, and with a relatively small number of friends, more often than not I don't have any new notifications, but when I did check this morning there were eight! All from schoolfriendofMG750, clearly she's caught up with my blog! (Thanks G!).

I can't pretend that I don't get a rush of excitement when I get such a notification, or see that the page view figures for the day are up, it makes me feel like the time taken to write this is worthwhile, and that I've managed to find something to say which is worth reading.  It is however, very odd not knowing, for the main part, who is reading! As I've said before, I get stats that tell me when and where you are reading UK, USA and France yesterday - hello, hey there and bonjour! - but no indication of why or what makes you read! But.... big milestone coming up tomorrow so I guess I'll just carry on doing what I've been doing for the past two hundred and ninety nine days - seems to be working so far!

Buying milk in the supermarket this morning and I noticed that the 'use by' date is the 23 February - eek!!! I will have run a half marathon by then, and milk doesn't keep very long, which must mean that Brighton is edging ever closer!  Weather forecast is also now available... nine degrees and light cloud (fingers crossed they've got it right for once!) but I'm not ready for it to be next weekend! (Heaven only knows how RLB and SC are feeling about running their first half marathon THIS Sunday!).

I have however attempted to start getting ready by ironing my name onto my WaterAid T-shirt! Took a lot of ironing and be warned the printing on the rest of the shirt will transfer itself onto both the tea towel on top and the ironing board underneath HMG! The first letter really didn't want to stick and I may finish the race as 'auline', but if this is the only bit of me that's broken I'll be smiling!

M - 452
Brighton Half - 9
Liverpool Half - 121
Glasgow Half - 233  
Total Distance covered   480.1 miles

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