Saturday 21 February 2015

Why have a 10 Top....

... when you can have a red leather mini skirt?!

Despite an invitation to Hove parkrun this morning from my friend, I opted to lie in instead! One of the reasons for heading to Brighton on the Friday had been to have a whole day where we didn't have any requirements on our time and in the end this won, but you have to know I was tempted and did pack spare kit in case I changed my mind (kind of the opposite to you fellow parkrunner who stayed away an extra night and hadn't packed any!).

Eventually made it out late morning for breakfast and a stroll along the prom (prom prom - but no brass bands in sight to play tiddely-om-pom-pom! It was however nice to be beside the seaside - and if you have NO idea what I'm talking about - just be grateful your upbringing involved better songs!)

Sea air taken, it was time to shop, and shop, and shop! Or at least drag my sister and HMG around as many little individual shops as I could as I searched for that elusive something that would remind me of my weekend away, or rather somethings as I didn't seem to want to stop looking even after it had been found!

Forget the new hoodie for my ten appearances at the gym, my sis very kindly purchased a vintage red leather mini skirt for me instead! She clearly thinks I need to up my game in terms of what I consider a treat, and I love her for it! Thank you sis! I may need to pay slightly greater heed to the diet part of my transformation to be able to wear it comfortably but what better incentive could there be?! I will however start again after I've returned home - there is far too much food consumption still to come this weekend!

Starting with a three course dinner at an Italian restaurant this evening.  Late trying to book, we had to eat early but as we all ended up in our beds by ten o'clock I think it was probably a good thing!

Kit sorted (none missing this time!), race strategies decided upon (HMG and me together, my sis going it alone), weather forecast checked checked and checked again, and still showing dry and some sunshine first thing in the morning, there was nothing left to do but go to bed and see what the morning would bring.....

M - 444
Brighton Half - 1
Liverpool Half - 113
Glasgow Half - 225  
Total Distance covered   490.1 miles

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