Tuesday 10 February 2015

Senior Moment

(actually that should be plural!)

Previously when I've made the analogy between myself and either one of my two dogs, my friends were kind enough to say that they thought I was more Dougal (almost three year old English Pointer) than Sid (our, little over eighteen years old, Jack Russell), sisterofMG750 was less convinced, and observing their behaviour today I am increasingly inclined to agree with her!

Whilst out walking in the fields, Sid will frequently become distracted by something, stop to investigate and, once he's done, set off in completely the wrong direction.  Al and I have been putting this down to his failing sight and hearing, but more often than not we are now under the distinct impression that by the time he's finished sniffing whatever it was that had waylaid him in the first place, he can't actually remember which way he was going when he stopped! At which point either Dougal is dispatched or one of us has to trudge back to collect him.  Dougal on the other hand, will quite happily hare off after any visual or scent driven stimulus, ignore you completely whilst he remains focussed on his new priority, and then come hurtling back to the exact spot where he left you (it took us a while to learn to stay put!). Not for the first time I think I need to try to be a little more Dougal and a little less Sid!

Plan for today - school run, supermarket, actual run, make soup, do some other jobs, stop for lunch.
My actual day - school run, supermarket, actual run, do some other jobs, stop to eat the soup I'd forgotten to make!

At this point and in the absence of anything healthy I ate sh*t - thus taking me one step nearer my goal of emulating Dougal, but it wasn't really the characteristic I was aiming for!

I've also forgotten what I'm supposed to be having for tea.  You might be mistaken for thinking it should be a little more obvious from the selection of ingredients I brought back from the supermarket, but I think that would entail having a firm handle on what you're having when you go in!

Good news on some of the front pages of the newspapers today - BUTTER IS GOOD FOR YOU! Some of us in the know, knew this already! But it did make me smile earlier this week when, on the advice of the Transformation Man from the gym, I went to buy some Kerrygold Butter (grass fed cows - makes a difference apparently) and they were sold out! Had a lovely mental image of a first day of the sales type rush and subsequent argy bargy over blocks of butter by a (not quite as slim as we'd like to be) group in gym kit!

M - 455
Brighton Half - 12
Liverpool Half - 124
Glasgow Half - 236  
Distance covered               3.7 miles
Total Distance covered   480.1 miles

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