Friday 20 February 2015

No turning back

Team Marathongirl750 have arrived in Brighton!

Our journey to Brighton went exceptionally well, so well in fact that we did wonder what lay in store for us on the way home as two good journeys would be too much to ask for - with hindsight I think we may have tempted fate!

The weather however was less kind and the walk from the station to the hotel was a wet one! First stop - two pound shop umbrellas! Checked in, and tea and cake were the order of the day in a lovely little cafe with some interesting conversations to eavesdrop on! Both of us gutted that we didn't get the chance to see the face of the man who was off to see some internet date that evening but with his return ticket purchased just in case! I hope she was the youthful mother of two teenage children that he was hoping for, our scepticism  however may have lead us to believe otherwise!

Quick walk on the front, quick bit of shopping and a quick change before heading out to the restaurant I'd booked yesterday, but with the addition of anotherschoolfriendofMG750 joining us for dinner!  Plan was to eat early and then meet my sister off the train who would have eaten en route and go for a few drinks

After a great meal and catch up we were contemplating pudding when I received a text to say my sister's journey had gone quicker than planned and had we eaten?  You can probably guess what's coming! Apparently our first meal hadn't quite filled us up enough as we tucked into Tapas - I think this may be classed as extreme carb loading!

An ambassador for the Brighton Marathon, my friend spent the evening giving us top tips, including some massage techniques for glute activation! We must have looked slightly strange to the other diners, but thankfully these were done on the base of your skull, behind your ears and at the back of the jaw - could have been a whole lot worse!

Among the last to leave the restaurant we made our way back to our hotel. Our first day in Brighton definitely full of fun and laughter - and possibly a little bit of denial about the real reason we are here!

M - 445
Brighton Half - 2
Liverpool Half - 114
Glasgow Half - 226  
Total Distance covered   490.1 miles

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