Tuesday 17 February 2015

Seeking Shelter

but where shall we choose?!

I wish the meteorologists at the BBC would make their minds up! Last week they forecast this Sunday's weather in Brighton as light cloud, it has now changed to heavy rain, with rubbish weather on Friday and Saturday too.  If they were going to change their minds could it not have been to something more favourable instead of less?!

My friend in Brighton, has put this latest forecast into context and (look away now sisterofMG750) it involves six miles into a strong headwind and what I'm guessing will then become driving rain! A more serious long distance runner than me, she then pointed out that this was OK because we will be nicely warmed up by the time we reach this point! I wish I shared her optimism!

I don't do the rain (on this point I am definitely more Dougal than Sid), it's bad enough running in it, but it definitely doesn't feature in my shopping plans! So I have decided to shift my attention towards searching the internet for interesting cafes that we might like to frequent in case of a downpour! There are a lot to choose from... and suddenly I'm starting to get much more excited at the prospect of going away for the weekend than perhaps I have previously! (I had envisaged these cafe's as shopping shelter, but perhaps I should work out a few options along the route just in case!)

Fun way as it was to spend an hour or so sat in front of the fire, it didn''t really help me get any closer to actually being ready to get on the train on Friday morning! I really need to get my head round the fact that it's less than two and a half days away, and with my current rate of productivity I ought to start doing something about it! I hate packing though, and am much more in of a throw everything into the suitcase at the last minute kind of packer, but taking much more care to throw EVERYTHING in this time, and not leave certain all important items of clothing behind as I did when we went to Edinburgh all those months (and miles) ago!

Quick check on the weather website and it's now sunny on Saturday! I am taking this with a pinch of salt, or at very least taking the view that it is indicative that the weather people, like the three of us, don't really have any idea what to expect this weekend in Brighton! But on the plus side, if the strong south westerly remains, it will apparently blow us the final three miles along the sea front to the finish, and that could be most welcome!

M - 448
Brighton Half - 5
Liverpool Half - 117
Glasgow Half - 229  
Total Distance covered   490.1 miles

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