Monday 29 February 2016

Day 680

1.  There is of course an alternative ending that I didn't consider yesterday...the one with the unexpected twist

2.  Where the central character spends two years following her desire to run a marathon only to stumble across an A Level Textiles course and discover that running isn't the dream she wants to be chasing at all!

3.  Suddenly immersed in a world of silk painting, relief printing and reverse appliqué she abandons her trainers and IT Band issues and skips off merrily into the quilted sunset without a second glance...

4.  Oooooooh she'e tempted!

5.  But oh the family drama that would play out behind her.  Now in a soap opera, Miss Happy-Go-Lucky trots off and we cut to a still of her sister, face like thunder having just gone public with her intention to run London! Doof! Doof! Doof! (Eastenders style....)

London - 55
Total Distance covered     1166.2 miles

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