Friday 12 February 2016

Day 663

1.  Perfect and ideal excuse not to go to the gym today - Al had the day off. Finally the chance to spend some time together!

2.  Seemed to spend a lot of it trying to talk him out of going to parkrun tomorrow... I know fellow parkrunner - how could I?! But I'm tired and my cold doesn't want to shift, and I really rather fancied the idea of going out somewhere nice for breakfast instead - sorry!

3.  Almost had him won over, when we realised that no parkrun meant no dog exercised, and so we might as well run and get it over with.

4. Meanwhile I have managed to get myself into a bit of a flap about what a mess the house is...  and so continues the yo-yo nature of my mind! Yesterday brimming full of possibilities about all the wonderful things I was going to create - today stressing over all the jobs that I didn't do yesterday whilst I was daydreaming of far more exciting things.

5.  If you recognise this cycle from the past twenty months or so, believe me when I say it's been going on a lot longer than that.  BUT writing about it, and continually arriving back at the same place is making me realise that I really have to do something about it, even though I think I've arrived at that conclusion several times before.... I think it's fair to say I'm going round in circles!

London - 72
Total Distance covered     1128.1 miles

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