Thursday 11 February 2016

Day 662

1.  I have just spent rather a long time going back through my blog because I was a little surprised that I've ONLY run 128 miles since the start of December!  It's right though - I've had more time off than I thought!

2.  Just as well I didn't shirk on today's run then! Hard going but glad I did it, although my right foot is complaining a bit and I am tempted to go and put a hot water bottle on in when I've finished writing this.  Might not do any good but as least I'd be warm.

3.  Damn! I've just remembered the ironing pile, sitting on the sofa with my feet up will have to wait.

4.  After all the agony of the bag making last year, I am having a lovely time being creative just for me. Bag and a skirt finished, I am now racing to get my poncho completed before the wool I have just ordered for my next project arrives! (don't tell Al!). Then there's the jumper I knitted last year and don't like so am going to unravel and knit into something else....

5.  My head is bursting with all the the things I want to do, and it's clearly affecting my ability to think straight or remember what I'm supposed to be doing - forget the ironing, H has just arrived downstairs, kit bag slung across shoulder, apparently I have chauffeuring duties. Good job I wasn't already in my pyjama's!

London - 73
Distance covered                     5 miles
Total Distance covered     1128.1 miles

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