Tuesday 9 February 2016

Day 660

1.  Tough call this morning - rest my legs or try and run the hurt out of them....

2.  Beautiful bit of sunshine and deep down already knew the answer- run! 

3.  Like the gym yesterday I feel better for going, and am daring to believe I might be ready for my next long run in a little less than a fortnight! 

4.  I am somewhat encouraged by the fact that my recovery time is getting shorter, and starting to wonder if that's what marathon training is like.... Die on the long run, recover quick enough for the horror to be blurred in your memory and set back out to do it all again! 

5.  Proud wife this evening watching Mr L play in his school band.  Good job he was playing guitar and not singing as he's lost his voice - perhaps a little more poorly than I gave him credit for on Sunday - sorry!

London - 75
Distance covered                    3.8 miles
Total Distance covered     1123.1 miles

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