Wednesday 3 February 2016

Day 654

1.  Ha! My sister's plans for a good 'no training' excuse thwarted by the arrival of her suitcase?! I really should have had more faith... my sister's plans for a good 'no training' excuse were back in force with the 'slight' over consumption of too much alcohol the night before! Doesn't sound like you at all sis!!

2.  Having given myself the week off I am enjoying the freedom of not having to work out when I'm going to run/go to the gym, and loving the extra time in my day.  Not that I'm putting it to particularly good use...

3.  Of all the things that I could be doing, I spent the day doing possibly the least necessary! What is the one thing I could sew that I REALLY don't need to make? Yep you got it, a bag.  Surely the seventy I made for Barnardo's were enough?! Apparently not.  Apparently what I need to do most right now is unpick a bag I made ten years ago and turn it into a new bag.

4. This would be fine as a side project, if I didn't already have at least one of those.  But it was all I did, and all I could think about all day.  I forgot that Al was in late, I forgot to make tea, I forgot that H needed to go out and therefore needed tea at a particular time, when I did make the tea I forgot to put the pasta on and then I forgot that extracting the boys meatballs from the oven whilst the pasta cooked would have saved them from the incarcerated state that they were eventually served in.

5.  I am now cross with myself for wasting the day and I didn't even finish the damn bag! Which I think is Lose! Lose! Oh good oh!!

London - 81
Total Distance covered     1102.3 miles

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