Saturday 13 February 2016

Day 664

1.  The memory of running in the rain last weekend has clearly not quite left me yet.... the weather was cold and a little bit wet this morning and I REALLY didn't want to go running.

2. Amid stories from parkrun HQ of a man who usually dresses in orange running his hundredth recently and everyone turning out in orange to mark the occasion and decorating the course with orange balloons and there being orange cake at the end - my 100th parkrun at Dewsbury was somewhat of an anticlimax! Not that I could have mustered any enthusiasm for balloons of any colour this morning!

3.  That said Al and Dougal ran round with me this morning which was nice, and Al has said that he's looking forward to my marathon being over so we can run parkrun together again...

4.  At first glance you might think how sweet, at second glance you might wonder why we have to wait?  It's because he only ran as slowly as me this morning because he was poorly and he's hoping I get faster again post marathon so I can keep up!  Charming!!

5.  Leaving the park early and abandoning the post run coffee in pursuit of some extra training miles, it was lovely to see FMG come running round the corner, a familiar look of determination on her face.  Been too long since I've seen that expression.  Good to have you back! xx

London - 71
Distance covered                       6 miles
Total Distance covered     1134.1 miles

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