Sunday 21 February 2016

Day 672 - NINE

1.  I keep remembering bits from yesterday - although some bits are unforgettable! - in particular words of advice from Floella.

2.  More specifically the suggestion to cut down on the carbs so there is less of you to lug round. 

3.  Unfortunately I was tucking into croissants, butter and jam when this particular thought came back to me! 

4.  Then there was the inference yesterday that by marathon day we would be at the peak of physical and mental perfection... 

5.  Mentally today I feel on top of the world, physically I feel old, overweight, a bit too spotty for a woman in her mid forties and very very far from an athlete of any sort let alone one approaching personal greatness! I think I'm supposed to be at the fine tuning rather than overhaul stage but oh well better late than never, besides a lot can be achieved in nine weeks if I can just stay awake long enough to apply myself and then stop procrastinating long enough to maintain my focus.
Just remembered something else - apparently a bi product of marathon training is that you get to know yourself well. Perhaps I should have taken notes Baroness Benjamin clearly knew what she was talking about!

London - 63
Total Distance covered     1161.1 miles

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