Monday 1 February 2016

Day 652

1.  My cold is getting worse - no gym for me today.

2.  No knitting either! Just when I could have used my cold as the perfect excuse to sit under a blanket and crack on, I can't concentrate long enough to knit the first row of the second piece consequently it has been started and pulled back many many times!

3.  Meanwhile in the States sisterofMG750 isn't fairing much better - she has arrived in San Francisco but her luggage (and in particular her trainers) have not. 

4.  So it looks like no training for either of us this week. 

5.  But... I'm hoping with a few days rest I'll be raring to go on Saturday - for all seventeen miles of it! Help!!!

London - 83
Total Distance covered     1102.3 miles

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