Saturday 27 February 2016

Day 678

1.  Fun morning volunteering at parkrun -  my newly knitted scarf attracted the attention of some fellow knitters and consequently most of the chat I was involved in revolved around wool and knitting patterns - finally I was amongst my own! 

2.  My poncho is finished too (is it obvious I've not been running?) there was nothing left to do this afternoon except start pulling out my jumper to re-knit into something new... 

3.  Many metaphors surfaced during the process... Is this really my life unraveling? My marathon plans coming apart row after row? Or is it more a case of me stripping things back to basics to be rebuilt into something better than before?

4.  What I came to regret was affirming to my new knitting bee that I wouldn't do any knitting unless it was preceded by some exercises! Given that knit is all I seem to want to do I'm hoping this might do the trick in motivating me... But early signs aren't overly positive. I have kept to my word and consequently haven't knitted all day! 

5.  Alas no photographic evidence exists of yesterday's hair styling disaster schoolfriendofMG750! But think this


And you won't be far off!!! 

London - 57
Total Distance covered     1166.2 miles

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