Friday 5 February 2016

Day 656

1.  The Royal Parks Half Marathon don't want me - I am more than a little relieved.  I just want to run the marathon and not have to think about training again.  How long I hang my trainers up for remains to be seen but I dream of being off the training treadmill!

2.  Meanwhile there is the small matter of seventeen miles to run tomorrow, in what now looks like it will be pouring rain.

3.  In an attempt to combine this with parkrun and get it done tomorrow, there is a plan to join the parkrun tourists for a change and visit Bradford - run our first three miles there and then wind a rather meandering, if somewhat hilly, fourteen miles home.

4.  I have mapped it out on map-o-meter, downloaded the app so I have access to the route and tested the app on my dog walk this afternoon.  Unfortunately whilst it will show me the route and where I am on it if I look at my phone, I can't get it to give me audible directions! I am therefore contemplating writing them out and sticking them to my water bottle, which I'm sure will work a treat given the forecast!

5.  The way I'm feeling today this may be my last run, in that it may just be enough to kill me.  The boys have been warned to make the most of the time they have left with me, however C wasn't convinced of his need to cancel his weekend away with Etsy Favouriter and H's response was he'd have to beat me at parkrun tomorrow if it's to be my last! I've yet to tell Al that our final memory together will be his 100th parkrun in the morning!!! But the lady at the supermarket has been warned that if she sees me next week I may well be an apparition. Although that said I sincerely hope the afterlife doesn't involve shopping for food!

London - 79
Total Distance covered     1102.3 miles

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