Thursday 4 February 2016

Day 655

1.  I went to bed last night feeling like I'd wasted the day, by the time I got up this morning that had snowballed into my whole life... all 400,000 hours of it (give or take a few!).

2.  Not all of it bad decisions you'll be glad to hear Mr L, and two fabulous sons, but not a lot to showcase in the Diary of Marathongirl750 aged forty five and three quarters!

3.  But some timely advice from the Business Bakery....

and I was back writing my To-Do List and whizzing my way through it with gusto! Just a shame the jobs weren't more glamorous than hoovering, putting some washing on, finally taking the thrown out clothes to the charity shop and writing tomorrows shopping list!

4.  Must be feeling a bit better - I'm starting to feel guilty about not having run or been to the gym all week.

5.  Shame (or fortuitous?) that I wasn't able to do either today as I had a dog walk already booked in with FMG!

London - 80
Total Distance covered     1102.3 miles

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