Tuesday 30 December 2014

Twenty Years Younger

If only for a moment!

Woke up this morning feeling twenty years younger, or at least how I sometimes felt twenty years ago, hungover and with the my ears still ringing from the night before... then I remembered I was forty-four, the ringing is permanent and the hangover is the result of ridiculously small amount of alcohol, not that I was ever a big drinker but feeling like this on two glasses of wine is a bit pathetic!

Al awoke feeling a little fragile too, but am pleased to report that at least his hangover was earned in style! Thank you for a fab evening parkrunfastfinisher, so nice to spend some time with you and the lovely L without it necessitating a five kilometre run! Although if all goes according to plan and the weather starts to pick up (current forecast is for a somewhat tropical 9 degrees Celsius), it will be a ten kilometre run next time we see you - as we attempt to do two parkrun's on New Year's Day! Like I said the other day, I may be an addict, but I'm not alone!

Unsurprisingly I haven't done very much today - although I did walk the dogs which is a rare occurrence when Al is home. Spent the majority of the walk thinking about all the things I am going to do, and how focussed and organised I am going to be! This is somewhat of an annual event, mainly due to the proximity to New Year and compounded by the fact that having had Al home for a week now, I am happily living in a little dream world where he always is, and I therefore will have loads of time to put into action all the things that I have now decided need doing as a matter of urgency!

Neither will it come as a surprise to learn that it never seems to happen that way! By the time I return home and we've eaten lunch, then caught up on the latest Scandinavian subtitled drama that we're watching, the winter sun that blessed me with it's presence on my walk today has slipped from the sky, taking with it all motivation to put any of those plans into practice.

Not even going to pretend that I'm going to start tomorrow, but I might start writing my to do list into my "Do It Later" 2015 Non-Planner (for the creative procrastinator) that my sis bought me for Christmas! Seems as good a place to start as any!

M -497
Brighton Half - 54
Glasgow Half - 278
Total Distance covered  - 440 miles

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