Thursday 4 December 2014

Me Time

who was I kidding?!

For the first time since starting my half marathon training at the end of September, I have missed a run, consequently my mind is a plethora of mixed emotions, but I think my legs are grateful!

Having had such a bad run on Tuesday it is hard not to see it as defeatist and I think that is how C saw it on his return from school this afternoon, when he tried his best to motivate me to go get my running kit on and get out there.  He knew that I'd feel better for going, and on so many levels he was right and perhaps I should have gone but in the end there was no persuading me. That said he did stop short of suggesting that he put his kit on and we would go together....

I'm exhausted, and for whilst I know that sometimes exercise can reverse this, there are also times when I think it is important to listen to what your body is telling you and rest.  I have to recognise that our plan is only that a plan and my performance at Brighton in February is not going to be affected by my missing a mid week five mile run eleven and a half weeks before D-Day or rather HM Day (Take One!).

If, as is my current intention, I am going to spend the vast majority of the next sixteen months in training then I am going to have to find a way to reconcile deviations from the plan in my head, or my body will do it for me.  It's no use having a rest week earmarked for next week and flogging myself to get there, when I obviously need to rest now. Besides which I am so looking forward to my long run with HMG on Saturday morning that I didn't want to do anything today that would jeopardise that. I guess what I'm saying is that it came down to a question of priority.

I also managed to convince myself that I would use the time I would have spent running and showering afterwards, on doing something for ME! Things that I wouldn't otherwise have found time to do in the day, but once done would give me a sense of satisfaction. I was thinking exercises (yes honestly!), a bit of a shifting around of stuff in our bedroom to accommodate the crafting box and face paints I now have to house until our next 'gig' in January, and a hot bath. Easily doable in the allocated hour and a half, but somehow the slot never seemed to appear. Every time I got close to thinking it might be now something else came along to scupper my plans.

So instead of feeling pleased with myself for listening to what my body was telling me, and self righteous for how well I utilised the time I had gained, I'm left feeling like I let myself down - twice. Too busy (still) and tired to do much about it, all I can do is chalk it up to experience and try and learn from it for next time, besides which I've a scheduled guilt free 'rest day' coming tomorrow - shame I've to spend it at the Dentist!

M - 523
Brighton Half - 80
Glasgow Half - 304    
Total Distance covered      404.1 miles

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