Friday 12 December 2014

Celestial Intervention

Thank you!

Although I should perhaps apologise in advance to those affected by a turn of circumstance that they possibly didn't enjoy quite as much as I did!

Dashing round the supermarket this morning, I had the best news I could possibly have wished for... there was no water in the town where Al works, and no water means no school. By the time I got back with the shopping he was home - both me and the dogs couldn't believe our luck!

I'm not sure it was quite the unexpected day off that he would have hoped for, although I think as soon as he heard the news that the school was closing he had a fair idea what lay ahead of him. Consequently, short of a last hoover up of dog hair I think we are just about ready for tomorrow.

I have however, still got no idea quite what to expect in terms of numbers! I haven't added up how many pieces of cake there are but if there isn't enough for at least two pieces each then we are going to struggle to get everybody in!  I have however bought enough milk to fill the bath, although I'm not sure semi skinned cows milk is going to cut in in terms of the Cleopatra experience should we be left with any!

I am feeling fairly relaxed about it and even the news that the cafĂ© may be closed tomorrow hasn't thrown me into disarray! (Which in itself is almost enough to make me start worrying!) Instead I am daring to believe that perhaps the stars are in alignment and someone somewhere is smiling on me and giving me a helping hand. Or perhaps I should just thank Al for all his help, and offer to make tea on Sunday when he's catching up on the work he should have been doing today!

Mr L you are a star!

M - 515
Brighton Half - 72
Glasgow Half - 296
Total Distance covered      419.9 miles

PS Things are definitely working in my favour... the only cake that Dougal managed to eat was my dad's birthday cake and that's not needed until Sunday!

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