Wednesday 3 December 2014

A Squash and a Squeeze

Action is required!

After my recent posts regarding the volume of food I've been consuming, it might be a fair assumption to think that given today's title this is going to be about trying to get into my jeans!  It isn't. It's about my house. But that said I've always found a my house tends to act as a metaphor for my life...

The boys had a book when they were wee called 'A Squash and a Squeeze' (by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler) the premise of which was if you think your house is too small, fill it with lots of stuff, then get rid of the stuff and the same space will feel HUGE! Five years after moving in and we're reaching bursting point on the 'fill it with lots of stuff' stage. There isn't room in it for anything else and no time to have a clear out this side of Santa arriving! Admittedly, I have not helped on this front by filling the one cupboard I did get round to emptying recently with fabric.

C is now reading this wondering a) if things are really that critical that a PS4 and a couple of games are going to cause us that much of a problem; or b) if Santa is in fact bringing a lot of large surprises with him this year. Unfortunately it's the former, or even just the thought of it which is almost enough to tip me over the edge.

I have no idea whether I believe in Feng Shui or not, but what I do know is that there are so many obstacles appearing as we run out of room to put things away that there soon won't be any room for us to move, let alone any positive energy flow.

Trouble is I'm a hoarder. I keep everything, and even though I know that I need to have a good clear out, I never seem to get round to it, meanwhile I keep on keeping things, including a large selection of empty shoe boxes for putting things in neatly when I do finally get round to tidying!

Like my house, my mind is full of clutter, and as I found out on last night's run, my energy flow is not as it should be.  My legs still aren't right and I am seriously considering having a day off running tomorrow and not going for the scheduled five miles.

I need to de junk the house, and de junk my diet! But not before I've eaten my way through two (for the price of one) packets of the best Belgium chocolate and hazelnut shortbread that I happened upon in the supermarket today. SisterofMG750 it's like large squares of shortbready Boasters - I'll make sure there is some in for Christmas! Be a shame to start dieting now...

M - 524
Brighton Half - 81
Glasgow Half - 305      
Total Distance covered      404.1 miles

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