Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

parkrun style!

For a variety of reasons, not all of them directly connected to the fact that I don't really 'do' Christmas, our family is a little devoid of traditions on Christmas Day.  Which on one hand may feel like a bit of a shame, and on the other allows for flexibility and 'new' traditions to be born (if two years on the trot makes a tradition? I'm never sure).

However last year, and this, Santa has very kindly delivered the gift with the most entertainment value direct to the boys bedrooms, meaning that once opened they will happily stay there for the majority of the morning, leaving Al and I free to go to parkrun! The alternative for those with younger children - after years of hoping they would sleep in and the present opening would last a bit longer - is now to hope they wake early and will be done in enough time to get to the park! (mentioning no names fellowparkrunner, or as it should have read parkrunfastfinisher!)

Leaving the house this morning we had the added bonus of seeing Mr and Mrs J out enjoying their first Christmas as dog owners having left their teenage son asleep in bed (Oh how our lives have changed since our boys were little and in ways we would never have dreamt of! Exercise?! First thing on Christmas morning?! What's that all about?). You'll either get it, or you won't, but don't knock it till you've tried it!

Neither Al nor I actually enjoyed the run, our still lingering colds making it hard going, but it was good to see our friends and be part of a hundred strong group of parkrunners - which is considerably more than normal - clearly the message about the merits of escaping the chaos on Christmas morning is spreading!

Best present of the day - definitely a surprise gift signed from "Etsy Favouriter", but I'm not sure if it was chosen for it's smell, it's gorgeous wrapping, or the fact that the product label tells me not to get in a flap - the 'smellies' inside are on hand to calm and soothe! which ever it was THANK YOU!
Touched that you bought it for me, chuffed to bits that you referenced my blog! Thrilled that so many of you have taken time to read since I said I stopping for the holidays!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to each and every one of you xxx

M -502
Brighton Half - 59
Glasgow Half - 283
Distance covered               3.1 miles
Total Distance covered      440 miles

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