Sunday 7 December 2014

Jobs done!

how exciting eh?!

For the first time in a long time I'm not sure what to tell you about today! When my days don't go according to plan I seem more than happy to share this with you, in the hope that it will strike a cord with at least one of you who is also rubbish at doing what they are supposed to! However when they do go to plan, all I'm left with is a list of jobs that I'm not sure makes for the most interesting of reading...

I've hoovered, ironed, cleaned out the cupboard under the sink, found the leak, put a Tupperware box under it, made a couple of cards, addressed my Christmas Card envelopes, worked out what I'm baking for Saturday's post parkrun cafĂ©, written a shopping list and put the Christmas Tree up! (Although admittedly this last job isn't quite as time consuming as you may be imagining, our Dougal friendly tree is a silk painting I did last year which just needed a quick iron, pinning over a painting, and hanging back up on the wall!).

Al didn't have any marking to do today which made a very welcome change, and made himself useful clearing a space upstairs for the things we needed to get rid of from downstairs, took said items to their new 'hiding' place, walked the dogs, cooked brunch, tea and next year's Christmas pudding! Chauffeured the boys to Octopush and done the washing up whilst I write this....

Not bad for two people who don't feel very well! Both fighting off colds, if we could have decided which one of us was more deserving of spending the day in bed when we got up this morning the day might have been a little different!

Haven't quite managed to tick off all the jobs that I was supposed to have done by now, and with a busy week ahead I'm sure I will be back to panicking about it tomorrow! But for today, I'm happy and content, having had a nice weekend and remarkably my legs feel a whole lot better than I thought they would having run so far yesterday!

M - 520
Brighton Half - 77
Glasgow Half - 301
Total Distance covered      416.5 miles

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