Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Hokey Cokey

Is your right leg in or out HMG?!

I think today was best summed up by my friend who called in to see me this morning, and left saying she was glad she'd come as it was strangely reassuring to be in the company as someone as fed up as she was!  Oh dear! Never usually synonymous with Festive Cheer it would appear that I'm doing worse than usual!

A small part of this is down to the fact that there is a question mark hanging over Saturday's thirteen mile run.

Following on from yesterday, I was already having doubts over whether or not it is a good idea to run so far, when a text from HMG late last night informs me that she's got an issue with her right leg, and has yet to ascertain how serious it is.

Checking in with her this evening she is better but erring on the side of caution, and before long we have decided that it makes no sense to do our long run on Saturday especially given how early we will have to get up for a six thirty start.  It is madness, it isn't necessary this far from Half Marathon Day (Take One) and we would be very well advised to sit tight, rest up and allow some injury recovery time to pass.

Trying very hard to resign myself to the fact that we are not going to reach our, somewhat arbitrary, pre Christmas goal I fire off a text saying that for whilst it is the right thing to do, part of me is sad at being sensible...

Before I know it, we're discussing ice packs and skin remedies and leaving all our options open until late on Friday evening! "Stay in Bed!" I hear you cry, "It isn't worth it!" I know this, HMG knows this, yet I also know that both of us will do our damnedest to be fit to run on Saturday

I love having HMG as my running buddy, clearly as nutty as each other, we also share a similar level of determination to prove to ourselves that we can do this! Unfortunately we may HAVE to be sensible, we may have to acknowledge that it just isn't going to happen exactly according to plan. I have no doubt that we will run the thirteen miles before we get to Brighton, it just might not be this weekend. It is going to be a tough decision to call and one that I imagine we will make as late on Friday as possible, obviously taking into account our need for an early night ahead of our early start! In the meantime keep your fingers crossed that much healing happens in the next forty eight hours.

M - 510
Brighton Half - 67
Glasgow Half - 291
Total Distance covered      430.5 miles

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