Thursday 18 December 2014


Potentially in more ways than one!

By the time I've made the necessary alteration. the date above will read Thursday 18 December... the fact that I'm writing this on Saturday 20 December is by way of a small reflection on just how behind I am this week - with everything - oh that it was all so easily adjusted retrospectively!

I have an infinite number of things to do, in a finite amount of time and I've gone bust! Bankrupt! Where the unit this particular bank is counting in is time (although that said Christmas presents now bought, we might not be too far from the conventional use of the word - but I haven't had time to check!). I have officially gone into receivership! A list of what I need to do has been looked at, the most important obligations will be met, and any remaining time will be shared out amongst the rest.

Question is, where on the list does my blog sit?! The answer is not straight forward. Well in truth it probably is, but knowing me I'll have to deliberate over it for a considerable amount of time before I concede that it has to go.

For the most part I've enjoyed writing it, admittedly some days have been easier than others, but overall it's been a good thing, it has become part of my daily routine and I can tell by the numbers reading that for some of you it has become part of yours too. This makes me smile (and at the same time wonder what you were all doing a week past on Sunday which meant you were too busy to read?!).  But I think I need a break.  I think I need to spend the time actually with Al over the holidays, and not spending it writing and publishing my blog, followed by the obligatory time spent on FB and Blogger checking to see what response it has generated! Especially as we have already ascertained that taking time to write about not having enough time is slightly incongruous.

Following my recent attempt to hash tag my way into gaining a Twitter following, I am now reading the weekly report that they send me with much more interest... especially the news that last week one of my tweets gained twenty four views AND was favourited by a randomer (I know both made up words!) It was then somewhat disappointing to discover that this was my one liner fired out in response to Eddie Izzard's call to get #BigThankYou trending during Sports Personality of the Year!

Hours spent documenting my progression from 5K to one day marathon runner, and "Saturday's wouldn't be the same without you #parkrun" is all I needed to say!

This got me thinking as to whether I should limit my blog to a hundred and forty characters over the Christmas holidays, or perhaps I could go one further and adopt a Simon Mayo approach of 3 words to describe my day. An afternoon was then spent considering the merits of this approach
but I can't decide whether trying to be clever and succinct enough to do it would actually take more time! Getting to the point has never been a strong point!

M - 509
Brighton Half - 66
Glasgow Half - 290
Total Distance covered      430.5 miles

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