Saturday 13 December 2014

THIRTEEN Hundred and Fifty Pounds!

(thirteen miles is next week!)

I am aware that, on occasion, when my brain isn't quite in gear and I can't get appropriate, well thought out words to my mouth quick enough, my face may jump in and portray my gut reaction. It is likely that anyone who knows me may have been on the receiving end of this (no need however to all comment 'yes') and HMG certainly was this morning!

In a change to our normal routine we met at the park for a three and half mile 'warm up' loop before parkrun. Waiting for the park gates to be opened, HMG dared to suggest that we might just have to go for a gentle jog instead of our planned run and, without stopping to think why she was suggesting this, I know I shot her a look which made my feelings clear on the matter! I was ready to run!  Once coined (by my boss at the time) as the Glaswegian Death Stare, it clearly did it's job and off we set without any further discussion as to the foolhardy nature of our plan.

It was a tad on the icy side. We couldn't get into any sort of rhythm, hadn't accounted for the delay in setting off, had to really push it (uphill) to get back to the park on time and didn't enjoy it much at all! Sorry HMG! Although I'm not sure we would have faired much better had we stayed at the park and just gone for that gentle jog as the course was deemed to be too dangerous, but rather than cancel parkrun was run over an amended (and gritted) course which saw us run six short laps, and consequently six hills instead of three! No PB for C today, as he had been hoping, but he did complete his tenth parkrun and will be the recipient of a ten t-shirt (which I still think shouldn't just be for juniors!).

Given that parkrun numbers were a little depleted and the cafe was indeed closed, I did bite the bullet and have the run director invite everyone back afterwards for coffee - eek! Needn't have worried, no 'randomer's' came! Whilst this isn't the best news for my fundraising, it did mean that instead my house was busy and full with parkrunners I am fortunate enough to call friends.  It was lovely, coffee was drunk and cake was eaten! There was enough to send everyone home with a goodie bag for later (much to C's horror) and still have leftovers to ward off any sugary carbohydrate craving for the foreseeable future, added to which I've reached another milestone for Barnardo's. I think that's called a Win! Win! Win! situation!

M - 514
Brighton Half - 71
Glasgow Half - 295
Distance covered                  6.6 miles
Total Distance covered      426.5 miles

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