Saturday 20 December 2014

Over and out

but I don't think I'll be able to stay away for long!

Woke up this morning and really struggled to drag myself out of bed, at which point I realised that had we be running our thirteen miler, we would have left half an hour before and I would have been up for two hours already! Definitely made the right decision!

My cold finally seemed to have broken and I could happily have stayed in bed, C decided to stay in his, and I'm not sure how much persuading Al would have taken - but he's on course for hitting his parkrun fifty if he does the double on New Year's Day and I wasn't going to be the one who talked him out of that one!

Odd running weather, too cold to stand around, too warm once we started! Missed our post run catch up with the café being closed, but rushing home and having my cup of tea in the bath will take some beating!

So this is it... last blog for a while. Feels VERY strange, and I'm not sure how I'm going to manage being away! Thoughts are oscillating between having a whole fortnight off, or blogging every day in reduced form, or just writing when I've got something to say!  But if today has taught me anything then it's not to get too hung up on deciding in advance exactly how things are going to pan out!

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! There isn't a one of you out there who believes I've learnt that lesson! But I'm trying! I'm going to take the next couple of weeks to have a rest and run a bit, and curl up on the sofa with Al, and spend time with family and friends, and do some tidying up and get myself organised for starting again next year, and maybe just maybe do my exercises!

In the meantime the damson gin Al has made in the summer has been opened, the fire is lit, my Christmas shopping is finished and even more surprising than doing my exercises, I may just start to relax!

M -507
Brighton Half - 64
Glasgow Half - 288
Distance covered                  3.1 miles
Total Distance covered      433.6 miles

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