Tuesday 23 December 2014


and quiet....

It was a little disconcerting the other evening to receive a notification from Facebook to tell me that the post that was outperforming all others this week was my announcement on Sunday night that there wouldn't be a blog! However my faith was restored this morning with the news that it has been outstripped by my return last night!

Lying in bed this morning trying to persuade myself that I really should be getting up and hitting the shower, when it dawned on me that it was a run day and that I really should be getting up and running the scheduled three miles before even thinking about a wash.

It was hard work -  my legs were heavy and it just felt like a long way today. But it felt good to be out, my hip is not discernibly worse for going, and with Christmas Day parkrun to look forward to on Thursday, and our usual parkrun on Saturday, it looks like I might stick to training plan for the first time in three weeks  and will hopefully feel like I'm getting back on track. Email in from Brighton Half... two months to go!

Not quite post run euphoric on my return, but thankfully in a better mood than yesterday, Al was clearly not going to take any chances and suggests a trip to the library (our first in eighteen months).

Although he maintains that it is because he doesn't want to finish his book and be left with nothing to read over Christmas, I can't help but wonder if he thinks our time spent together may be more peaceful if I too have something to read! Consequently I now have a selection of five books to choose from should I ever get the chance to sit down for long enough!

M -504
Brighton Half - 61
Glasgow Half - 285
Distance covered                  3.3 miles
Total Distance covered      436.9 miles

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