Saturday 6 December 2014

TWELVE drummers drumming

but can they do if very quietly so as not to wake me please...

Yesterday when I was on my journey around the wonders of the world wide web I stopped for a while looking at new dog blankets for the lounge. These get put on the sofa when the dogs are sitting with us on an evening, or should they wake up in the middle of the night and, unsurprisingly given the alternative, not want to go back to bed. 

This was dangerous ground, as it is frequently the case that even the merest thought 'dog blanket' is enough to break a run of uninterrupted sleep, a full blown conversation with Al about whether or not we actually needed new ones was definitely tempting fate, and I think I knew before I went to bed last night that I would be up in the middle of the night.

Sure enough I was barked out of my bed at 3 o'clock, which for someone whose alarm was set for quarter past five was a little on the mean side.

A very cold and frosty morning, but for the Scots amongst you, no sign of the three craws*, definitely below zero, with twinkling, rather pretty but somewhat hazardous pavements! On the plus side it wasn't raining - a definite improvement on last week! The route was also nicer, and the two hours that it took us to get to the park kind of flew in!

I had a really good run at parkrun - being significantly warmed up by then definitely helped and for a while I was even in front of Al, parkrunfastfinisher and C, but my glory was short lived as they soon overtook, but for a while we ran as a pack and it was nice after spending so many weeks watching them in the distance in front of me!  C ran the whole 5K without walking any of it for the first time - whoo hoo! - and I RAN TWELVE MILES! Shame we've to wait until the end of February to go to Brighton I want to run it now!!

Well maybe not today! I've been a little too sleepy to do anything, but have had my thoughts return to blankets. Too cold the other evening I had to get up and get an extra cover, grabbed the first one I could find and had a bit of a wry smile to myself as I put it on the bed - forget boxes on the floor... nothing like putting a sleeping Arsenal fan under a Man U blanket to mess up the feng shui!!

M - 521
Brighton Half - 78
Glasgow Half - 302
Distance Covered -            12.4 miles (and got the blisters to prove it!)
Total Distance covered      416.5 miles

And for those of you not familiar with this classic...

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