Monday 29 December 2014

Rocket Science*

just to continue my space theme from yesterday!

Over the past three and a bit weeks I have missed around thirty miles of training.  I have mixed views about this.  On the one hand we started our training early to allow for such eventualities so that, in the grand scheme of things, by the time we reach Brighton it won't actually make that much of a difference. On the other it has had a huge impact because my food consumption doesn't seem to have lessened with my reduction in distance!

I can remember a few weeks ago starting to feel that my body shape was changing for the better, I was on track, running well and filled with optimism.  Fast forward to today and I'm well and truly off piste, can barely run at all, and filled with Christmas pudding, mince pies, chocolate cake, shortbread, brownies, plum crumble and custard, chocolates, marzipan and any other high calorie, sugar laden, carbohydrate I can find!

It's not rocket science, in fact it's a complete no brainer... if you take in more calories than you burn you put on weight. All three quarters of a stone of it! And this is before we've even cut into the Christmas Cake and it must weigh close on a stone all by itself!**

Whilst I am hoping that this will drop off when I get back into our training schedule, I am trying to be realistic about keeping my distance down until I have seen the Biomechanics Man on the 6 January, besides which the pavements are all still covered in ice and I can't bring myself to go and use my friend's treadmill.

Only one thing for it then, I am going to have to start watching what I eat - but not today! Off out to parkrunfastfinisher's for dinner this is not the time to be starting to watch what I eat, or harping on about piling on the Christmas pounds.  As a serial procrastinator this is the best kind of day - one in which doing anything other than waiting until tomorrow would just be considered rude!

M -498
Brighton Half - 55
Glasgow Half - 279
Total Distance covered  - 440 miles


**for the non British readers amongst you a stone is 14lbs or 6.35kg or in other words TOO MUCH!

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