Friday 26 December 2014

Day 250

A third of the way there!

My right leg has definitely decided to join in the hokey cokey dilemma with HMG - is it in or out?! It can't seem to make up it's mind. Some days it seems OK, other day's, like yesterday, it's shocking!

Time has not permitted me to make the most thorough of internet searches but I think we may be suffering from something called IT Band syndrome. I could look up what the IT stands for, but I'm guessing you fall into two categories - those of you who have come across this before and already know, and those of you who haven't and don't really care! - suffice to say it is a ligament that runs down the outside of your leg and when inflamed it hurts!

Stretching, foam rollering and ice are all on the to-do list as is reduced mileage or complete rest, but I can't quite bring myself to acknowledge that the last one may be necessary, I have too many social plans mapped out around my festive running schedule! Besides which as I said to HMG this morning, having repeatedly ignored the Biomechanic Man's advice to do my exercises, I'm not likely to start listening to the be sensible and don't overdo it option!

Two hundred and fifty days nearer my marathon goal than when I started, I am however, going to have to start listening to someone soon! Cross with myself for 'wasting' the past six months on the exercise front, I can't help but think about how much stronger I would be now, if I had only stuck with them.  It is however a few days too soon to be discussing all the things I'm going to be doing differently next year!

M -501
Brighton Half - 58
Glasgow Half - 282
Total Distance covered  - 440 miles

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