Monday 8 December 2014

Knock! Knock!

If I could only hear to ask "who's there!"

There is something incongruous about rushing to get to a hospital appointment to have my hearing aid turned up, coming home and then not hearing the postman knock on the door with a parcel delivery!

I'm sure when I started out, one of my aims was to get fitter, and potentially even feel younger as a result, not so today - I feel about a hundred and ten and there's nothing quite like a trip to the audiology department at our local hospital to put me amongst a group of my new found peers! The audiologist's advice to persevere with my hearing aid now because of the benefits when I start loosing the hearing in my good ear doing nothing to make me feel any younger!

Not wishing to mock the afflicted, but feeling that it's OK seeing as I'm one of them, I couldn't help but smile at the notice inviting us all along to a Hard of Hearing Fellowship meeting where we can meet others in the same boat and discuss our experiences - Pardon? What? Sorry love, didn't quite catch that?! I feel there may be lots of blog worthy material awaiting me there, but I think I'd sooner stop writing!

I am however thinking of having a sign made for the front door saying "Please knock loudly, one hard of hearing lady, one deaf dog, and one dog who can hear perfectly well but is ruled by his stomach and will ignore any audible stimulus if he is in the kitchen and thinks there may be a chance of food, are at home!"

I haven't faired much better on our walk this afternoon, I think my legs feeling surprisingly good yesterday might have been down to the fact that I didn't walk very far on them!

For the first time I am having a slight wobble about whether or not we started our training plan too soon.  At the end of week ten, and with eleven weeks to Brighton it has really just started to dawn on me that that means maintaining our current level of fitness for longer than it's taken us to acquire it! The bad weather that I was afraid of arriving may yet come and curtail our running for a while, but perhaps I was over cautious when I allocated quite so much time for unforeseen eventualities! Glasgow seems like ages ago, but in reality it was nine weeks, which makes Brighton seem even further away! I know we wanted to know that we could do it HMG, but I'm starting to think finding out in Brighton might have been a better approach!

But at least it means that with time on our hands, if I wake up tomorrow still feeling like a centenarian, perhaps I can allow myself another day off running, not least because it's so cold outside!

M - 519
Brighton Half - 76
Glasgow Half - 300
Total Distance covered      416.5 miles

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