Tuesday 9 December 2014

Raising the bar

and getting on with it!

Pep talk from C this morning about not missing my run today, telling me if I do I will have missed two in a week. He also points out that I am actually only half way to where I want to be in terms of distance and that really this is my new base level, and I should just get on with it. Or words to that effect! He was also keen to go running this evening (I know, took me by surprise too!) and so he may have had a bit of a vested interest in persuading me to run!

All day as the weather got worse I kept thinking that perhaps he would change his mind, and let me off the hook, whilst at the same time there was my "if you were in Balnakeil" conversation going on in my head, in the form of "if this was a Saturday morning you'd be waiting for HMG and go whatever the weather..." Trouble was it wasn't a Saturday morning, and I had all day to talk myself in and out of it.

When C got in, I was in a 'go for it' moment. He was less convinced, and retreated upstairs to mull it over whilst we waited for Al to get in. Almost tempted to join us, but clearly feeling worse than me today, he decided against it, at which point I started to doubt my decision to run, but it is unclear how much of this was to do with losing the game of who's poorliest! In the end C made my mind up for me, having already got changed into his kit! Nothing like spending time with my son to motivate me into doing something that I wouldn't otherwise!

C is good company and it was lovely spending time with him, despite the cold, wet and windy weather and the fact that he turned his ankle and is currently sitting with a bag of frozen peas on it. I hope it hasn't put you off joining me again C...

Three miles later and my wobble over training too early for Brighton has passed.  It felt good running, I can definitely feel my legs are stronger and as HMG said yesterday it has started to feel more like habit than a training plan.  We both definitely prefer weeks with a long Saturday run and are going to miss it this weekend.  That said I may well be a little flustered over everyone (well hopefully not all seventy parkunners!) coming back here for coffee afterwards. We might not be setting off until eight this week, but I may well be up at quarter past five anyway!

M - 518
Brighton Half - 75
Glasgow Half - 299
Distance covered                 3.4 miles
Total Distance covered      419.9 miles

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