Sunday 28 December 2014

The Dark Side of the Moon

Wish you were (still) here sis!*

It's never a good day when sisterofMG750 goes back home, and today was no exception, but there were two noticeable differences about her leaving today - first up a change in tactic to get her to return, the second being the gravitas with which we parted.

My nephew and H, despite only being cousins, are clearly from the same the mould! They share the same wonderful, if slightly strange sense of humour, and normally it is my nephew who I try to encourage to badger his mum into bringing him back ASAP, this time I thought I'd try my luck with my niece!

Much as I love being the only female in an otherwise all male household, it doesn't make for much 'girlie' time, so it was a real treat last night to spend it with my sis and gorgeous niece having a 'make over!'. With options that made me feel like I was actually in the cosmetics department, I was transformed into a much more glamorous version of my previous self! Unfortunately recreating the effect isn't going to be possible with my meagre selection of products and I think it's time to take me in hand! So, shopping trip to Manchester proposed (although I'm not sure going with your mum and Aunt is likely to be top (or even on) my niece's to do list!) it was time to say bye to my sis....

In a manner akin to that of Command Module Pilot James Lovell, the Apollo 8 astronaut who used the phrase "we'll see you on the other side" when passing behind the moon for the first time in history - we parted with the words "see you in Brighton...." and an equal sense of foreboding!

Eight weeks! It's been three since HMG and I last did a long run and I just can't imagine ever doing one again! Much like those astronauts who sped off into the great unknown, we have no idea what lies in store for us between now and then, nor what shape we'll be in when we next meet up! Fingers crossed for fit, fabulous and raring to go!

M -499
Brighton Half - 56
Glasgow Half - 280
Total Distance covered  - 440 miles

*Two Pink Floyd references - I hope you're impressed Mr L!

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