Thursday 11 December 2014

Tempting Fate

Twice in the one day?!

This morning I had to wait in for a man to come and fix our broadband connection, which has become increasingly intermittent recently.  He arrived, swapped some bits, went to fetch some bits he didn't have, came back, fiddled about some more and left saying "if I don't see you before, have a nice Christmas!" For someone who had supposedly just fixed all our technical issues I found this a little odd, and surely tempting fate somewhat.

About an hour after he had gone, I decided to check my emails on my ipod. No internet connection. Right! Straight on the phone to register my dissatisfaction and demand that the engineer was contacted and told to come back and sort it before finishing at one o'clock for five days!  Working my way through the delight of the automated switchboard it dawned on me that of course there wouldn't be any internet connection, my ipod was trying to make contact with the old 'hub' (whatever that is!) New password registered,  I was up and running before before I actually got to speak to anyone - not often that the five minutes or so of multiple choice questions works in your favour!

The weather today has been foul. Cold, windy and with frequent hailstone showers. Not ideal dog walking weather, as for running - even less so! Dressed like I was about to embark on a polar expedition I finally psyched myself up to taking the dogs out. Someone somewhere was smiling on us as we made it round the fields and back home again between showers. The idea that I would be so lucky if I were to don my trainers and go out for a run, would I felt be asking too much!

My eyes firmly on the 'prize' of our thirteen mile run next Saturday, I am dreading not being well enough to run more than I am worried what will happen if I miss one (or two) of my training runs. My confidence yesterday in things coming together for Saturday has been somewhat short lived, I'm starting to panic, yet don't have the energy to do much about it! Everything is starting to snowball and I'm running out of time. There are lessons to be learnt here about taking on too much that I will have to pay heed to in the New Year, but for now it's full steam ahead, or at least it would be if I hadn't run out of steam already!

M - 516
Brighton Half - 73
Glasgow Half - 297
Total Distance covered      419.9 miles

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