Friday 19 December 2014


and difficult as it is, I think for once this isn't the hard way!

I received a letter this morning inviting me to phone the Ear Nose and Throat clinic to make a follow up appointment and on doing so was offered one at 9.15 on the 24 February.  Usually I laugh when offered a date a couple of months away and then asked if this will be OK, in a sort of who could possibly have plans this far in advance kind of a way. However this morning, mid chortle alarm bells started to ring - I HAVE PLANS THIS FAR IN ADVANCE! All being well I will have only just returned from Brighton, and if I can still walk I think my presence in the supermarket will be better appreciated by my family than attending a clinic to be told there is no change in my hearing loss! The lady on the other end of the phone very kindly offered me one a week later - to give me time to gather myself!

But I was a little shaken by the fact that I am now booking post Brighton! It's a bit like when you look at a sell by date and it's after your birthday or some other significant date which at the time seems like ages away - or is this just me?!

The sad and deeply disappointing news of the day is that HMG and I have made the decision not to run thirteen miles tomorrow, despite our best efforts to the contrary.  In the end we made it slightly earlier than I thought we might, when I was sat staring at a pint of water unsure has to how many more of them I was supposed to be drinking!

Disappointing as it was, I think we have made the right decision. Better to wait, repair and run another day than set out tomorrow and have to call Al to come and rescue us.  More importantly I believe that it shows us to be the intermediate runners that we've become and not the beginners that we try to pretend we still are.  HMG says she is taking a leaf out of Mrs Motivator's book of resting when things aren't quite right, and as she has PB'd twice recently we decide that this isn't bad advise to follow, and something that I would be well advised to pay more attention to!

A lie in tomorrow - what's one of those?!

M -508
Brighton Half - 65
Glasgow Half - 289
Total Distance covered      430.5 miles

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