Sunday 20 December 2015

Day 609

1.  I have found a new book on decluttering which has been highly recommended and added to my Christmas list!

2. What with this, my planner and my 'Artists Way' creative block (find out what I want to do) book - there should be no stopping me in the New Year!

3.  Clearly terrified at the prospect I have also impulse purchased a poncho knitting kit so I can bury myself in my knitting and forget about everything else! 

4.  Fair enough - but a poncho?!! Who knew?!! 

5. Another year gone, another BBC Sports Personsality of the Year, another chance to sit and get emotional looking back at sporting achievements... but this time with the added edge of hoping that next year I'll be watching with my marathon medal round my neck, figuratively speaking - honest! (although  it is a nice mental image!!) AND two new mantras courtesy of A P McCoy and Adam Peaty "Make the Sacrifices" and "Let's Have This" - going to be a good year.

London -126
Total Distance covered     1027.8 miles

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