Sunday 6 December 2015

Day 595

1.  Help! I feel like December has arrived and swallowed me whole! I just need the world to stop spinning for a day or two to give me time to catch up.

2.  Actually could I make that a month?!

3.  My anxiety levels are going through the roof and poor C is bearing the brunt of it.  With so much going on that is outwith my control, I have decided to home in on those bits that are, or potentially could be, consequently I'm barking questions about whether he's done X Y or Z in rapid succession and then getting stressed when it turns out he's opted for A B and C instead!  As if an Oxford interview wasn't stressful enough for the poor boy!

4.  I have apologised and warned him that I'm likely to get worse over the course of the week and just to take me with a large pinch of salt.

5.  Al has had his head in pile after pile of books marking all weekend.  I know it's not how he would have chosen to spend his time, but headphones in, lost in his own world was possibly a nicer place to be.

London -140
Total Distance covered     1011.3 miles
Gym Attendance = 12 (Target 20 by Christmas!)

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