Monday 7 December 2015

Day 596

1.  Sometimes even with the best of intentions choices have to be made.  It would appear that my attempt to get to the gym a further 8 times before Christmas is not going to happen.

2.  I've moaned far too much about going for anyone to seriously think I'm bothered - but I am. It feels like I'm admitting defeat and that if I only tried harder or was more organised or put it higher up my list of priorities then I could make it happen.

3.  But the truth is that the priorities that need my attention right now aren't mine - there are family needs which have to take precedence. I am needed elsewhere and suddenly finding the resolve to exercise that has alluded me all year isn't really fair. 

4.  Besides which there is nothing to stop me from doing my exercises at home - thereby saving travelling time - other than the fact that I can't be ars*d! Clearly my desire to be at the gym is directly related to the fact that I can't go!!

5.  As for my desire to run....well, whilst FMG is busy changing her FB profile picture to a running top that reads "I don't run to win races, nor do I run to get places.  I run to escape this world. I run to find peace within myself. I run to feel free, and I run to feel strong" Mine would currently have to read "I run because otherwise I'd have to walk the dog!" but oh how I'd like a week off from both!

London -139
Total Distance covered     1011.3 miles
Gym Attendance = 12 (Target 20 by Christmas!)

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