Wednesday 2 December 2015

Day 591

1.  Despite all my best efforts not to get stressed by Christmas, I'M STRESSED!

2.  For every step I take towards getting organised for it, I take another equally large step away from getting the house sorted.... there just doesn't seem to be time for both.

3.  After the high of yesterday I came down with a bit of a bump today.  It would have been very nice to have had time to sit and reflect on where I'm at and how far I've come but that would require space in my head and there's not a lot of that going spare at the moment.

4.  I hate the way that this time of year seems to gather it's own momentum. I'm not ready for the next few weeks to fly by, not least because then it'll be 2016 and the marathon will come hurtling towards us!

5.  I am already a little concerned about the effect it has had on MG150 - when asked what she would like for Christmas the reply came back as 'a running hat' which is basically combining two of her least favourite things in one!  Tell me you've given up wine sis and I'm taking you to see someone!

London -144
Total Distance covered     1002.8 miles
Gym Attendance = 12 (Target 20 by Christmas!)

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