Saturday 19 December 2015

Day 608 - Parkrun 100

1.  HALF A MILLION PARKRUN METRES!!  I have joined the 100 club!

2.  It was a good morning.... there were three of us running our 100, two running their 100 at Dewsbury, and two joining the 50 club.  Of these six other runners, I am lucky enough to call five of them friends.

3.  In the end the rain stayed away but having tidied the house it seemed a shame not to make the most of it and so a few of us came back here instead.  More relaxed than I am in the cafe with Dougal trying to sit on my knee and H trying hard not to spend the whole time looking like he's ready to leave, it was a lovely way to mark the occasion that I've spent two days of my life running to achieve.

4.  Said it before but it needs saying again...  I am so grateful for what parkrun has brought to my life, it is the mechanism through which I turned sporadic appearances at 10K races into regular weekly running which in turn has led me to believe that I can achieve my marathon dream and notch up a trio of half marathons along the way.  But so much more than that it has brought with it the most wonderful support network of friends and I am especially lucky because Al, H and occasionally C are part of that too, meaning my family are embodied in our wider parkrun family which is a very special place to be.  The last song is for all of you, and especially Al - thank you for being there when I've needed you. I hope it's been reciprocal.

parkrun 100 - 2000

5.  Tidy house - tree's up!

London -127
Distance covered                3.1 miles
Total Distance covered     1027.8 miles
Gym Attendance = 12 (Target 20 by Christmas! Ha! Ha! Ha!)

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