Tuesday 18 August 2015

Day 485 Marathon minus 250!!

1.  How can I feel so guilty about not running yesterday and so far from wanting to run today?

2.  Didn't help myself before heading out by finally getting round to searching  'No Meat Athlete' after seeing it on a running vest in Liverpool and looking at the recipe suggestions.  I am so unhealthy! The meat free bit isn't a problem but I'm currently about as far removed from smoothies and supercharged salads as you can get whilst still being vegetarian.

3.  So already feeling sluggish Dougal and I set out for a run - not very far in, we ran either side of a lamp post and ripped my running belt apart (it must have already been weakened as I can't believe we were running fast enough to do it all in one go!).  Although very tempted to return home I found a way to secure it back round my middle and off we went again, but we never really got into our stride, it was all a bit disjointed and all the while I was thinking about how far I'm planning to run on Thursday and how I hope it flows better than this!

4.  Another bag sold and four more guesses on name the bear! Whooop Whooop!!

5.  If I'm hoping that my running comes together on Thursday then it is nothing to what I'm hoping for in two hundred and fifty days time!  Which I think might mean it's time to change the name of my blog to 'Parkrun to Marathon a journey of 735 days!' I'll have to stick with MG750 for me as I can only change the name of my Etsy shop once and so better save that opportunity just on the off chance that I can see any future in continuing it after the marathon is but a memory. Although at this moment in time the marathon being behind me seems as inconceivable as me continuing with Etsy!

London - 250
Glasgow - 47
Distance covered                   3 miles
Total Distance covered     803.8 miles

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