Monday 3 August 2015

Day 470

1.  OK you ready for this.... 6 bags made AND a trip to the gym! What is the meaning behind such productivity?!

2.  Mainly that Al is around to do all the other jobs!

3.  Legs feel OK, although admittedly I didn't put them through a full workout this morning.

4.  Desperate to crack on and finish sewing - I am sooooo close - but in fairness there are more jobs than Al can get to and it's going to be a real challenge to get me to do any of them tomorrow when all I want to do is sew and sew and sew! I know I should prioritise and tell myself that I can be finished by Friday if I make two a day (you got it - only 8 to go!) and get on top of all my other jobs but it's just not how my brain works.

5.  One of the best and most wonderful things about being parkrun addicts is that Al and I frequently find ourselves in the company of other addicts we are fortunate enough to call friends, sharing the highs and lows of our weekly runs and snippets of other news over a post run coffee.  Unfortunately sometimes the lows are significantly more serious than a missed PB.  I have no idea if you'll be looking for a distraction and reading this any time soon SC but I know I speak for all of your parkrun 'family' when I say that we're thinking of you and sending every prayer and positive thought your way for tomorrow.

London - 268
Glasgow - 62
Total Distance covered 774.2 miles

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