Sunday 16 August 2015

Day 483

1.  I have allowed myself to have a day off today - I was supposed to be running four miles but I am just too tired.

2.  I have however tried to catch up on the washing and ironing after it becoming apparent that the number of items being pulled out of the ironing pile was increasing.  Thinking about it I should have left them there a bit longer and there would have been even less to do.

3.  After giving my sis a debrief on yesterday my niece has told me that I need to get myself an Instagram account to promote my bags - I have no idea what this is.

4.  However with only five days until we go on holiday I don't think it's the best time for me to learn! I shall save this as my next obsession for when the schools have returned!

5.  Even when I want a day where I forget I am reminded of what lies ahead - seven weeks till Glasgow and both FMG and sisterofMG750 out pounding the streets in preparation! Oh the guilt of not going!

London - 252
Glasgow - 49
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

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