Tuesday 11 August 2015

Day 478

1.  Oh dear it seems posting a triple bill on Sunday was a step too far this weekend - lots of you read Friday and Saturday's but had clearly reached saturation point by the time it got to reading the third. Thanks to those who stuck it out through all three!  Just realised that I am a day late in posting this so I hope a Wednesday double bill doesn't have the same effect!

2.  Even worse - it has turned into a Thursday night triple after I failed to post yesterday! Oh well only time will tell!

3.  Dog show draws ever nearer and I am trying hard not to panic despite the fact that I don't have public liability cover, the clothes rail to display my bags on has yet to arrive, I've still to work out what I'm doing with the gazebo and I haven't even begun to make the bunting yet! BUNTING?! Never did I think my life would come to this!

4.  Meanwhile we have decided that now would be a good time to empty our under stairs cupboard! Like the cupboard version of Mary Poppins' Bag the stuff just kept coming! Who knew we had ever bought so much paint, let alone kept every last tin regardless of how much was actually left?! Our dining room now contains the contents as we begin the process of deciding what's being allowed back in!

5.  Good run this morning.  The speed is starting to come back to my legs and I was pleased to get my average pace per mile below nine minutes with walk breaks!  Pushing myself on the home straight I did have a moments reflection over the fact that I'm supposed to be putting speed to one side in Glasgow.... Damn! Am I going to have to admit that sisterofMG750 (and the rest of my family) was right all along and I can't do it?!

London - 257
Glasgow - 54
Distance covered              3.8 miles
Total Distance covered     797 miles

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