Thursday 13 August 2015

Day 480

1.  A Level results day! (Part One)  A morning filled with anticipation and the added excitement of unexpectedly getting to drive C to school and wait for him to pick them up! Time to quickly crochet another flower and as the nervous energy started to rise the longer he was in coming back time to pull it out again as I kept making mistakes!

2.  Asked not to broadcast over social media - suffice to say I'm a proud mum!

3.  Slowly starting to gather my bits for Saturday, but as the contents of the under stairs cupboard are still spilling out into our living space (although there is less than there once was) it's hard to tell what I've done and what's still to do!

4.  I think I have a very busy day ahead of me tomorrow - especially as I seem to have been unable to acknowledge that the sewing part of it is over and put my sewing machine away! But what can I possibly waste my time making now?! (All may yet be revealed!).

5.  Very pleased to report that I forced myself to go out for a run late afternoon.  I was all ready to give myself the day off but I'm glad that I didn't.  Had forgotten until I was on my way home that this run would see me break the 800 training miles mark! Not altogether surprisingly - it's been a long 300 miles since Brighton!

London - 255
Glasgow - 52
Distance covered                3.8 miles
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

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