Sunday 9 August 2015

Day 476

1.  Woke up this morning and for a few minutes I half hoped that I would get a text from fellow parkrunner saying that she wasn't up for running this morning - then the penny dropped that I'd still have to go!

2.  Beautiful morning for our ten miler - so much so I even took a photo!

3.  Text this morning from sisterofMG750 wondering how on earth she's going to get half marathon fit in six weeks, when she realised it was eight weeks - problem solved!

4.  Had a lovely weekend with Al, half way through the summer holidays and just enjoying being in each others company.  The fact that I'm writing this whilst he's cooking tea and has just brought me little taste just made me love him all the more!

5.  Post run euphoric, loved up, and both boys home... it's been a good day.

London - 259
Glasgow - 56
Distance covered             10 miles
Total Distance covered 793.2 miles

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