Saturday 15 August 2015

Day 482 - Bark in the Park!

1.  A tweet this morning about fundraising instead of running resulted in the sale of two bags to someone I don't know - think the photo below of me and Etsy Favouriter might just convey our excitement at the news!  Thank you so much RS.

2.  Our pitch was unfortunately next to some very professional "Everyone's a Winner on this stall!" charity fundraisers who were drawing huge crowds to their second hand teddy and trashy tombola tables - there's no accounting for taste!

3.  Our attempts to get people to buy got more desperate as the afternoon wore on and I was heard to tell one lady who said she'd come back later that if I saw her pass without stopping I'd chase after her and to be warned that I can run fast! Obviously frightened by the prospect she returned and purchased!

4.  It was a very long but fun day in the company of C and Etsy F, and in the end we sold six bags which equates to sixty visitors to next door's tombola! It wasn't the busiest of events and if we had thirty people stop and look that makes our views to sales conversion rate an impressive 20% compared with 1.89% all time on Etsy.  Which I think means the day was a success! And I quite literally need to find another market!

5.  Crocheted flowers, egg box minions, the good old craft bags and an earth shattering four guesses at Name the Bear, brought our total raised for the day to £103.44.  Whooo! Hooooo! But I still think the running will be easier! Or at least I hope it is!

London - 253
Glasgow - 50
Total Distance covered     800.8 miles

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